How is absenteeism affecting your organisation?
Absenteeism in the workplace is a major, and growing, problem worldwide. Increasingly such absenteeism clearly has a psychological origin: depression, anxiety, burnout, stress, work-life etc.
Every employee absence results in significant costs and loss for various parties: the employees themselves (loss of salary, structure, social contact, the feeling of making a contribution), the organisation in which they are employed (loss of production, replacement, training etc.), the insurer and the society.
Additionally, absenteeism is perceived as just the tip of the iceberg, a visible sign that the well-being and motivation of employees is declining. Research shows that the chance of absenteeism is significantly lower in a caring organisation than in a company that is only interested in the results of its employees.
In most of the organisations, a plan to decrease absenteeism starts with a good view of the absenteeism rate of the company and its impact. Once there is an engagement to tackle absenteeism, a good insight into the main causes is important as well as an overview on what already has been put in place.
None of the companies Pulso is working with starts from zero. Therefore we strive for an integrated vision on welfare. The prevention of absenteeism and the approach to reintegration form an essential part of an integrated welfare policy.
Pulso can help you see the wood for the trees when it comes to your absenteeism and reintegration challenge.
Using a process-based and proven methodology, we devise, together with you, an approach to prevent from absenteeism and to enforce your reintegration process that is suited to your organisation.
We always start to help you to map out your current situation on the different levels of prevention. We help you to propose actions or solutions to bridge gaps or to meet the needs and develop and implement the various components of an absenteeism and reintegration policy. Together we embed the new policy in the DNA of your organisation.
More specifically, when it comes to sick leave and reintegration, we create with you uniform procedures and define clear roles, because they are crucial to raise the absenteeism barrier and lower the reintegration barrier.
We can help you:
• Define your vision on long-term absenteeism
• Register absenteeism (cost) and create dashboards
• Analyse your risks (groups, factors) via quantitative and qualitative surveys
• Define policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities
• Create a prevention plan for long-term absenteeism, including risk groups policy
• Guarantee structural measures to prevent psychosocial risks
• Support trainings and programmes for employees/ internal specialists and managers
• Sensitise and communicate
Having a sustainable reintegration policy to ensure close follow-up embedded in the vision of your organisation, will increase the commitment of your employees. This, in turn, will result in a lower absenteeism rate and a quicker return to work. A win-win situation for both the organisation and its employees.
Pulso can help you define or optimise your specific reintegration policy. Want to learn more? Contact us.